7/18/2021 0 Comments Honoring Elizabeth the New MartyrOne ~ the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna When I was growing up, people often asked if I was named after Ella Fitzgerald. As wonderful as Ella Fitzgerald is, I’ve always been thankful for my namesake: the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, or “Ella” for short. July 18th marks the day we remember St. Elizabeth in the Orthodox Church (or July 5th on the old calendar). This year I wanted to do something special to commemorate her and so I composed music to the canon dedicated to Saints Elizabeth and Barbara. Saint Elizabeth's life was one fully dedicated to God regardless of circumstance. When married, she had a beautiful and virtuous marriage. After the assassination of her husband, the Grand Duke Sergei of the Romanov Dynasty, she fully dedicated her life to Christ and serving the sick and suffering. She was steadfast in all the misery she endured. She was courageous in the face of danger and death itself. She put others before herself even unto her last breath - when, while being buried alive, she tore off a piece of her garment to wrap around the wound of a fellow martyr. Elizabeth was martyred for Christ by the Bolsheviks on July 18, 1918. In the years before her death, she even showed true love to the communists tearing apart her homeland. If you would like to learn more about Saint Elizabeth, this blog and Orthodox Wiki provide good summaries. If you would like to go further in depth into her life and gain a glimpse of pre-revolutionary Russia at the same time, I recommend the book Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia: New Martyr of the Communist Yoke, by Lubov Millar. Or, you can read the text of the canon located at the end of this post, which beautifully relays much of the story of Saint Elizabeth and her companion, Saint Barbara. Two ~ What is a Canon? A canon is a structured collection of hymns used for specific occasions in the orthodox church. Perhaps the most beloved canon is the Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, written in the 7th century and sung every Great Lent. Saint Andrew’s Canon is centered around repentance. Another beloved canon is the Resurrection Canon sung at Pascha. Other canons may celebrate a Church feast day or honor the life of a saint. There are 9 odes in a canon. Here is an explanation from the book Russian Church Singing: "Each ode of a canon consists of an initial stanza, the heirmos. . . lit., "link," and a set of two, three, or occasionally more troparia-stanzas. . . By its content the heirmos serves as a connecting link between the theme of the Old Testament canticles and the New Testament theme that is developed in the troparia of the given ode" (Gardner, 41). Regardless of the canon's dedication, each follows the same structure of Old Testament-based themes. The words weave together parallels and provide insights to the listener. Here are the themes of each ode:
Interestingly, only 8 of the 9 odes are usually included. With the exception of Saint Andrew’s Canon, ode 2 is generally passed over. The leading explanation for this is that the content of ode 2 is particularly penitent and harsh. From what I gather, however, no one knows for sure why we have continued to pass over ode 2 (if you know more, please share). In addition to the odes, a canon contains Troparia and Kontakia, read prayers, and refrains. When prayed in a church-setting, canons are most often weaved into the services of Matins and Great and Small Compline. Canons are just one example of the Orthodox Church's deep well of hymnography. If you're interested in learning more, here are some resources. Synopsis on Music in the Orthodox Church: stots.edu/Liturgical+Music On the Structure of a Canon: britannica.com/kanon wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon Liturgical Music Terms: holy-trinity.org/liturgics/glossary Three ~ Canon to Saints Elizabeth and Barbara Kathryn Paine is the choir director at St. Sophia's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Dripping Springs, Texas. She and her daughter, Juliane, were gracious enough to sing this canon with me, written for women's trio or quartet. Kathryn's husband, John, is an audio engineer and offered his skills to record for us. You can listen to the music of the canon by clicking the link below. ![]() Listen: Canon to the Holy and Righteous Martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara If you are interested in the music for this canon or commissioning a piece, you can reach me at: [email protected] The Paine family gave their talent freely in this endeavor. If you would like to give your support to St. Sophia's Church in return, you can make a donation on their website. Below is the text of the Canon to the Holy and Righteous Martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! . . . Canon to the Holy and Righteous Martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara Author unknown, source found here Ode 1 Hiermos: Having passed over the water as on dry land and escaped Egyptʼs evils, the Israelites cried aloud: «Unto God our Deliverer let us sing.» Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Open my lips, O Savior, and give me grace to hymn and laud Elizabeth and Barbara, righteous handmaidens of God and healers of the sick. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! I hymn thee, most holy mothers; martyrs for Christ, who didst embrace the Cross of spiritual and earthly martyrdom, and by that Cross wast raised to Paradise. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Direct my mind by thy holy prayers to gaze always on things above, and to forsake all things beneath, that I may become an heir of the Kingdom of the Just. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. O Lady, who hast given birth to Jesus our God, pray for us worthless slaves, that by thine intercessions, O immaculate one, we who are defiled may be delivered from torment, O spotless one, and may enjoy everlasting glory. Ode 2 Hiermos: Thou art the strong support of those that run to Thee, O Lord; Thou art the light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings of Thee. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! From thy childhood thou didst pursue beauty, O righteous Elizabeth, and refusing to be sated with worldly charms, thou didst diligently search out Christ, the Fountain of all loveliness. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! The artistʼs brush fell silent, O mother, when he sought to portray the comeliness of thine earthly tabernacle. And we, who look to thee in prayer, fall speechless before the radiance of thy Godliness. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Small in stature wast thou, O Barbara, but large in heart. Thou didst cast thy lot with thy royal mistress, and was faithful even unto death. Wherefore wast thou glorified with her in the heavenly mansions. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. Heal the most painful wounds of my soul, O most pure one, and drive away the enemies that ever wage war with me. Lord, have mercy (thrice) Sessional hymn Afflicted by sorrow, I cry out to thee, O righteous Elizabeth and Barbara: Pray unto God for me, a sinner, and heal me of all my infirmities through thine intercessions, both of body and the spirit. Glory… Both Now… O Mother of God, unwedded and most pure, who without seed gavest birth to the Master of all, do thou together with the Holy Elizabeth and Barbara beseech Him to deliver me from all perplexity, and to give my soul sweetness and light, and purification from offenses; for thou alone art a quick defender. Ode 4 Hiermos: I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of Thy dispensation; I have beheld Thy works and glorified Thy divinity. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! When the death of thy mother left thee an orphan, O righteous Elizabeth, thou didst earnestly care for all thy family; especially thine August sister, the holy passion-bearer Tsaritsa-Martyr Alexandra. Thou who standest with her in the courts of the Heavenly Tsar, pray with Barbara for us all. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Taking no thought for thyself, thou didst lay down thy youth for thine earthly kinsmen. Verily wast this a shadow of that which was to come, for thou didst take up thy cross for Christ, and laid down thy life for His sake. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Like righteous Ruth of old, O Barbara, thou didst cleave to thy Naomi, and truly her people became thy people, and her God thy God. Now is her exaltation become thine exaltation, and thy name is honored with hers forever. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. I received God’s gift of mind and will and reason, so that coming to know the Master, I might honor Him with good works. But I, dishonoring that gift by my passions, have insulted the Giver. Save me, O Lady. Ode 5 Hiermos: Grant me a bright robe, O Thou Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment, Christ our God, plenteous in mercy. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! When thou camest to the Russian land, O Elizabeth, thy comely soul was inflamed with love for her peoples; from thy noble heart didst thou pour forth abundant charity for all. Do thou take us also into thy heart, O righteous mother. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! When thy earthly eyes beheld the beauty of the Holy Orthodox Faith, O Elizabeth, thy spiritual eyes were opened to the beauty of Him Whom thou desired. Of thine own free will didst thou embrace Christ, who was thy heart’s true love. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Orpah turned back to Moab, O Barbara; but thou, like Ruth, accompanied thy spiritual mother to the Promised Land. Crucified with Elizabeth on the tree of martyrdom, thou shalt rise with her to everlasting glory. Both Now and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. O thou who didst conceive my Jesus Christ, O only undefiled and immaculate Virgin: even now, by the hyssop of thine intercessions, cleanse me, the defiled one. Ode 6 Hiermos: When we wake at early morn we cry to Thee: O Lord, save us; beside Thee we know none other. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Cut down by godless assassins, O mother, thy husband Sergei was taken suddenly, like the children of Job. Yet like Job, thou didst not murmur, but said with all thine heart: Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Emulating the Mother of God, thou didst beseech the Tsar to pardon the murderer of thy spouse; and thereby didst reveal thy tender heart to all. With our most Holy Lady, O woman of Love, beseech the Heavenly King to pardon our transgressions. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. O holy Barbara, who can worthily sing of thy devotion to thy Heavenly Bridegroom? For denying thyself, thou didst follow Christ even unto death. Pray for us, O mother, that we may become emulators of thee. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. Bewilderment confronteth me from the evils surrounding me, O most pure one, but deliver me from them speedily, for to thee alone do I flee. Kontakion. Tone 3.In the midst of worldliness, thy mournful heart dwelt in heaven; in barbaric godlessness, thy valiant soul was not troubled. Thou didst long to meet thy Bridegroom as a confessor, and He found thee worthy of thy martyric purpose. O Elizabeth, with Barbara thy brave companion, pray to thy Bridegroom for us. Oikos Grant my soul, humiliated by many temptations and beset by grievous infirmities, thy healing power, O righteous Elizabeth and Barbara; stretch forth thy hands through prayer, O thou who didst stretch forth thy hands to the sick. Thou didst not disdain any upon earth that beseeched thine assistance; do not disdain me in my unworthiness, but speedily grant me healing. Ode 7 Hiermos: Of old the youths would not adore the golden idol with Persian worship, but the three of them sang amidst the flames of the furnace: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Not desiring another earthly consort, thou didst earnestly court the Heavenly Bridegroom. And when He came unto thee, thou didst run joyfully to Him, taking up thy monastic cross. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! Verily, O mother, thou didst exchange thine earthly palace for a mansion in the Heavens. For heeding thy Bridegroom’s call, thou didst sell all that thou hadst and give abundantly to the poor. Thou didst feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and visit the prisoner. The Hitrovka children didst thou deliver from captivity to the devil. Deliver us now from the evils that beset us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Thou, O Barbara, was first among the spiritual children of the holy Elizabeth; yet wast thou the servant of all. By thy humility toward thy sisters thou didst emulate Him who verily said: I came not to be served, but to serve. Both Now and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. In truth the Lord reigneth over a kingdom that never faileth; and, in the words of the psalms, He hath clothed Himself with most fair majesty: even that holy flesh from thee, O Mother of God, whereby He slew death and annihilated its kingdom. Ode 8 Hiermos: The Chaldean tyrant ravingly heated the furnace sevenfold for the three righteous youths. But seeing them saved by a higher Power, he cried out: Ye children, bless; ye priests, sing hymns; ye people, supremely exalt Him unto the ages. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! When the pall of Bolshevism fell over the land of Russia, O mother, thou didst not lose thy faith, nor did thy labors go slack; but rather, didst thou cry: The Bridegroom cometh; let us go forth to meet Him! And, being found with thy lamp full of oil, thou didst hasten with Barbara to the Bridal Chamber. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! The godless tyrant tore thee from thy sisterhood, O righteous Elizabeth, and being not moved by the entreaties of thy children, didst cast thee into prison. And knowing that thou wast to die, thou didst not entrust thyself to human help, but rather said: Blessed be the Name of the Lord for Evermore. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. When the godless ones sought to separate thee from thy mother, O Barbara, thou didst boldly rebuke them, offering thine own blood as a guarantor of thy devotion. And now thy blood waters the tree of Orthodoxy, bringing forth much spiritual fruit. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. All the assaultings of the temptations dost thou quell, and the onslaughts of the passions dost thou banish; wherefore do we hymn thee to all ages, O Virgin. Ode 9 Hiermos: On Mount Sinai Moses saw thee in the bush unconsumed, for thou didst conceive in thy womb the divine Fire. And Daniel saw thee, a mountain unhewn. Isaiah exclaimed of thee: There shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! When thy Bridegroom called thee to follow Him to Golgotha, O Elizabeth, thou didst joyfully hasten to the Cross, and grasping it firmly with both hands, thou was raised by it to Paradise. Raise us up, who are fallen sinners all, by thy most holy intercessions. Holy Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, Pray to God for us! In thine hour of death, O mother, thou didst not forget thy loving kindness: thou didst pray for them that martyred thee, and didst bind the wounds of thy companion with thine own garments. Bind up the wounds of our souls by thine intercessions, O thou who hast been clothed with the garment of righteousness. Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. O most Holy Martyrs and brides of Christ, Elizabeth and Barbara, accept this our unworthy supplication. Pray for the peace of the world, and for all pious and Orthodox Christians. Beseech thy heavenly Bridegroom that our souls may be saved. Both Now, and Ever, and Unto the Ages of Ages, Amen. Exalt the horn of the faithful and suppress the raging of barbarians, O Mary, Mother of God. Invincibly preserve this thy city, in which thy great and most glorious name is magnified by all in faith, O most pure Lady. A Prayer to Saints Elizabeth and Barbara O holy Saints, Elizabeth and Barbara, even as thou didst not turn away from the vilest of wretches during thy earthly sojourn, so do not turn away from our unworthiness. Pray unto the Lord that He may grant to us healing of soul and body, and great mercy. Help us, encumbered as we are with the pleasures and ease of life, to emulate thy martyrdom to the things of this world. Pray unto God for us, that we may join thee in the Heavenly Kingdom. Amen. . . .
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